Howdy ma friends, I'm Francis and I like to stir up fun! I am an “honorable” Finch, unlike Atticus & Scout. I'm only 8 years old. I'm going to tell you about an incident that happened at Christmastime! Specially on Christmas day, when some relatives came to visit our home (The Finch Landing). The antagonist is Scout, a rude, fanatical lady, who acts in a very unruly way. She really irritates me, and Mrs. Alexandra. I was acquainted with her before, and she is a really problem! I am fanatical to annoy her! I also dislike her family, that are a real burden. They are ruining our impression at Maycomb. I'll explain why later. See, her and her family went to my house to spend Christmas day! I had requested a pair of knee-pants, a red leather book-sack, five shirts and an untied bow tie. Fortunately I got all my presents. Now back to the plot! Atticus and Jem Finch were with my parents, the adults leaving me isolated with Scout, I was scared but tried not to show it!
“What'd you get for Christmas?” Scout said. “just what I asked for,” I replied. “That's nice” she said sarcastically. “Jem and me got air rifles, and Jem got a chemistry set”. I was surprised, air rifles were very unladylike. “A toy one, I reckon.” I said, asking about Jem's chemistry set. “No, a real one. He's gonna make me some invisible ink, and I'm gunna write to Dill in it.” “Whats the use in that?” I replied. I was perplexed in my conversation with Scout, she was awfully boring. Until she told me she was getting married to Dill, what I perceived as a worthless, poor, insolent boy. I laughed at her face, much to my delight.
“What's the matter with him?” She demanded angrily. “You mean that little runt Grandma says stays with Miss Rachel every summer?” I said mockingly. I was debating about how much I should push her, should I risk getting beat up? I came to the conclusion that if she did attack me, she'd get into a whole world of trouble. I was entrusted with the task of irritating Scout! “I know all about him.” I said to her. “What about him?” She replied. “Grandma says he hasn't got a home”, I laughed. “Has too, he lives in Meridan.” By now I was tired of this banter. So later I said that Atticus is a Nigger-lover, the worst insult that I could think of. What are you going to say about that, Jean Louise? I said some mighty entertaining things to her, and ran as fast as I could. By the way, her papa, Atticus is defending a Nig in court, something I can only frown upon! Of my, I was feeling a thrill. Until Scout beat me up! Somehow, I don't know how but a GIRL hit me at the front of my jaw, it hurt terribly, and my opinion of Scout grew even lower. I was satisfied to learn Scout got in trouble, and was pretty excited about that. Well I'm tired of writing of my adventures, and see you next time.
-Francis Finch, the most un-boring person ever!
Francis Parker haha
TKAM post #8
14 years ago
Great post. I like the fact that you kept to the fact that he is super self-centered. Remember to use vocab