Monday, September 21, 2009

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 4
Painted Faces and Long Hair
Simon’s Adventure!

It’s very hard to adjust to the new life on this island! Usually at England, it’s a very blatant atmosphere, trucks, cars and lots of city life makes it noisy and clamorous. Now however it’s almost disturbingly quiet besides the sounds of the other boys. Since we have no school, no true adult supervision, it’s up to ourselves to do the necessary work to survive! Something that we may be getting from this island is swarthiness of skin. Although some of us aren’t doing much work, I’m trying my best to create a shelter for all of us. The food is a lot different from at home. The daily food I eat is like fish and chips, now I have to eat nuts, fruit, crab, and now pig. Those are some extreme changes, I also want to play, but that can wait.

I feel sorry for some of the little ones who are clearly frightened. They spend most of their time playing, and some of them are clearly frightened about the beast. Now I’m not sure if the beast is real or not, it’s possible! I was with Ralph, and didn’t get my face painted. I think the others (let by Jack) painted their faces for a disguise. I’m not sure about what this might foreshadow, this might foreshadow that we might become Indians! Now today I’m upset that we didn’t escape, let me explain. A rescue ship came, but it didn’t see us because the fire that was supposed to alert them died! The fault has to fall on Jack, who persuaded the people in charge of the fire to abandon it, causing it to turn to ash. Now, we may have little chance of escaping. The mood on the island is bleak, as we missed the chance to be rescued. Some looked malevolently at Jack, but unfortunately Jack, a true coward chose to insult Piggy, so not to get shamed! Soon they were laughing so hard at the cruel joke, that they were impalpable of sadness. Whatever happens next may hold no balm, but we are all going to Ralph’s meeting, I’m sure Ralph will make sure to punish Jack.

1 comment:

  1. You need to work on how to word your sentences. Some of them sound okward.
    Other than that, great jod!!!!!
